
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Ice poem

 ice is  Big blue and chubby

has Dark blue eyes like the sea

fast  like running water

A frozen  touch like frost

Drinks ice tea on hot day

has ice in a bag           



Friday, September 11, 2020

the skate park

 The skate park was usual enough; it had a halfpipe, ramps, a bowl, ralis, and puddles that i Never rode through. My cousin and I did what  cousins do we learned new tricks, rode through Puddles in the summer, played scoot  doing  nothing  important

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

 I wandered into Tāne Mahuta chatting to my friends and something felt  weird. because not very many people were talking.  And it  smelt like fresh air. As Soon I looked up My eyes almost fell out. The plants have overtaken the back doors and the whole entire back of the class that day school  was Canceled. 

The next day I came back to school and the plants on the window too halfway through the class. At this point I had to cut the plants down. I ran out the doors of the classroom with my friend RJ,   . Sundly I tripped. My friend Riley  saw what I tripped on. It said the weed killer top secret and my friend and me went back to the classroom and Inspected the bottle. on the the back it said not Harmful so i sprayed it on the plants the next day they came back this time they had electric waves going Through  the plants

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Bean Planting Day

 Today it was fun. We got to plant beans. It was so surprising because one month ago today we started germinating them in plastic bags. Fast Forward 1 month later- we put them into biodegradable pots and then one day later we planted them. Before we got to plane them we had to use a coloured popsicle stick and write our names on them so we would know  who's is who’. I wonder how big our beans will grow.